January 10, 2013

RCR: Takano Calls for Gun Legislation On Anniversary of Tucson Shooting

WASHINGTON DC – Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) issued a statement on the second anniversary of the 2011 Tucson Shooting, which killed six and injured 14, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords:

“We all remember where we were when we heard the tragic news of the events that took place on January 8, 2011 in Tucson, Arizona. That day, six Americans were taken from their families, and fourteen others were injured in a senseless act of violence during an event held by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords."

“Since the events in Tucson, our nation has unfortunately seen additional tragedies in Aurora, Oak Creek and Newtown. I realize there is no single solution for preventing mass shootings, but I refuse to believe our current system is the best we can do."

“President Obama has promised to present gun violence legislation this month and I encourage the President to take an ‘all of the above’ approach - dealing with military style assault weapons, mental health funding, extended clips, and the closing of loopholes.

“Our country is undoubtedly at its best when we come together to solve the challenges before us. Let us honor the memories of those fallen in Tucson, Aurora, Oak Creek, and Newtown by committing ourselves to finding ways to prevent similar tragedies from ever happening again.”
Takano represents all of the City of Jurupa Valley.