June 26, 2013

The New York Times: Seeing a Step Toward Equality, or a Spark to Fight Gay Marriage

WASHINGTON — Supporters of same-sex marriage celebrated the Supreme Court rulings on Wednesday as landmark decisions that brought the nation closer to full equality. Opponents said the court had badly overreached in striking down the Defense of Marriage Act, and they vowed to press on against same-sex marriage in the courts and through a constitutional ban.

“This doesn’t end it,” said Representative Tim Huelskamp, Republican of Kansas. “If anything, it’s been ignited and continues to be discussed.” He said the court action was an attempt to “short-circuit the process and to undo a decision, a strong bipartisan decision, signed by President Bill Clinton and supported by then-Senator Joe Biden; for this court to overrule it, I think folks are tired of judges dictating.”

Backers of same-sex marriage in Washington and around the nation embraced the rulings and welcomed what they said was the demise of a biased federal law that turned gay Americans into second-class citizens.

Representative Mark Takano, a freshman Democrat from California and one of the seven openly gay, lesbian or bisexual members of Congress, followed the court’s action from the sidewalk outside, across the street from the Capitol.

“I’m elated,” he said. “It’s a huge, huge step forward for freedom and equality. And I’m hopeful about what this means.”