April 20, 2015

Tapping Into Innovation

It has been decades since our energy infrastructure has been updated, as we still rely on the same systems as our parents. We need to completely revamp and transform how we generate, store, and distribute energy. Doing so would save families and businesses time and money.

Earlier this year, the Obama Administration issued a report calling for the modernization of our energy infrastructure and billions of dollars to be invested for upgrades. In the report, the White House said, “…our energy landscape is changing dramatically. Solar electricity generation has increased 20-fold since 2008, and electricity generation from wind energy has more than tripled. During that period, the United States has also become the world’s leading producer of oil and natural gas combined.” If we fail to modernize and continue to rely on infrastructure that is decades old, we risk no longer having the most advanced energy system in the world.

Luckily, some private companies are refusing to wait for Washington. Just last week, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced a line of batteries that would store solar energy for homes and businesses. This affordable piece of technology will get consumers off the grid and save them thousands of dollars every year.

In the meantime, we must continue to promote alternative energy methods, and families and companies who are investing in green technology. I support the Solar Investment Tax Credit for homes and businesses, and think we should be doing more for those who are willing to invest in the future and help our country wean itself off of outdated energy methods.

If we want to remain the world’s energy leader, we should be investing heavily in research and development in this field. I’m committed to finding ways for businesses to save money and I believe that investing in green technology is one of the best, most efficient ways to do that.

Why wait for the future? It’s already here. 

By:  Rep. Mark Takano
Source: Inland Empire Business Journal