November 18, 2015

Rep. Mark Takano Releases Statement on the Global Refugee Crisis

Washington DC - Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement regarding the global refugee crisis.

"In the wake of the tragedy in Paris, it is natural to seek isolation from an increasingly dangerous world. But this is precisely the moment when America’s leadership and strength needed most. Any pause in our refugee resettlement program calls into question our commitment to defending the innocent.We must choose our values and our compassion over our fear.

"To be clear, the safety of the American people will always be our first priority. We have robust and extensive screening programs that allow us to fulfill our moral obligation without compromising our security.

"The men, women and children fleeing Syria are victims of terrorism. They are not villains, but families escaping the indescribable brutality of Daesh. By accepting them into our country, we send a clear message to the international community that we have the courage to stand up for those with different backgrounds but common enemies.”

“If we can overcome our fear, we will remain a source of light and hope around the world.”