March 26, 2014

Rep. Mark Takano Statement on Immigration Reform Discharge Petition

Washington DC – Earlier today, Rep. Mark Takano issued the following statement after House Democrats began a discharge petition for the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (H.R. 15):
“Since the Senate passed its immigration reform bill last year, the only thing that has been standing in the way of fixing our broken system is Speaker Boehner, who has refused to address the issue. Realizing that millions of families could no longer wait, House Democrats have decided to act and organize a discharge petition that would force the Speaker to schedule a vote on the bipartisan immigration reform bill currently sitting in the House. We’ve known for decades that our current immigration laws are inefficient and outdated and Speaker Boehner can no longer ignore this important issue. I urge my colleagues to sign the discharge petition so that we can finally fix our broken immigration system. The time is now.”