February 26, 2021

Rep. Mark Takano Statement on the Passage of the American Rescue Plan

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.) released this statement following the passage of the American Rescue Plan in the House, President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package.

“The coronavirus pandemic and the economic crisis it has caused have upended our lives and millions of people in Riverside County and across the nation are hurting. By passing the American Rescue Plan, we can help people endure these compounding crises and put our country on a path to recovery.

“This economic relief package would help families who are struggling by providing people with $1400 survival checks and extending enhanced $400 weekly unemployment benefits to those without a job. It also makes investments in vaccine distribution to get vaccines out to our communities faster, it includes funding to help our schools reopen safely, and it provides funding for small businesses to help them keep their doors open. Under this rescue package, it is estimated that cities in my district would receive a combined $182,564,392 in funding to help continue essential functions needed to respond to this pandemic and bring the virus under control.

“As Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, I know the toll this pandemic has taken on our nation's veterans--that's why we have to get our veterans back to work and ensure they won’t have to fear paying for or delaying much needed care. The American Rescue Plan is critical to ensure the health system that veterans rely on can continue to meet their needs and serve as a backup to America's overwhelmed healthcare systems.

“Lastly, I’m proud that the Progressive Caucus fought to include a provision to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour in the House bill. Raising the federal minimum wage would lift millions out of poverty and provide workers with a livable wage as we rebuild and emerge from this pandemic. The Senate must do everything it can to keep this provision in their version of the bill – the American people are counting on it. We cannot let antiquated Senate rules get in the way of desperately needed reforms.

“We must commit to crushing this virus and to helping our communities – we have to be bold –and that’s exactly what the American Rescue Plan would do.”



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Lana Abbasi (951) 222-0203