June 21, 2024

Rep. Takano Commemorates One Year Since the Reintroduction of the Equality Act

WASHINGTON, D.C.  Today, Representative Mark Takano (CA-39) commemorated one year since he reintroduced the Equality Act.

The Equality Act is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation that would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to extend non-discrimination protections to the LGBTQ+ community. It would explicitly prohibit discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation in employment, education, access to credit, jury service, federal funding housing, and public accommodations.

“The story of LGBTQ+ equality is not complete without the Equality Act,” said Rep. Takano. “Commemorating one year of no committee action, hearing, or floor vote for the Equality Act is not the type of anniversary I would like to be celebrating. But in this extreme Republican-led House of Representatives—which is more interested in targeting and tearing down the LGBTQ+ community—it is not surprising that equal protections is not a part of the Republican agenda. Under the leadership of Democrats, we passed this twice out of the House, and todayevery House Democrat is a co-sponsor to this piece of legislation. I look forward to the day when the Equality Act is passed and signed into law.”
