March 12, 2019

Rep. Takano Helps Introduce the Dream and Promise Act as an Original Cosponsor

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.) joined Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Reps. Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.), Velázquez (D-NY), Clarke (D-NY), and Members of the House Democratic Caucus in introducing H.R. 6, the Dream and Promise Act of 2019. The bill was unveiled at a press event and Rep. Takano’s remarks can be found here.

The Dream and Promise Act’s designation as H.R. 6 underscores its status as a priority of the House Majority. This legislation is the 116th Congress’ version of the Dream Act to allow U.S.-raised immigrant youth known as “Dreamers” to earn lawful permanent residence and American citizenship. Additionally, H.R. 6 includes protections and a path to citizenship for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) beneficiaries.

“America is a promise – a promise of freedom, justice, and opportunity – and to be an American is not defined by your immigration status, but by a set of values we all share,” said Congressman Takano. “Dreamers and TPS recipients are emblematic of what it means to be an American – to play by the rules, contribute to our society, work hard, and serve our country. The Dream and Promise Act will give Dreamers and TPS recipients the opportunity to continue building their lives, raising their families, and contributing to their communities in the country that is now their home.”

Currently, more than 800,000 Dreamers enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are living in limbo, and thousands more are unable to enroll in the DACA program after President Trump abruptly ended the program in 2017. More than 223,000 Dreamers reside in the state of California alone, more than one fourth of the national total.

“I am also proud to have represented the AAPI community in the official introduction of this legislation. 1 in 7 Asian immigrants are undocumented, but they are often left out of the immigration conversation – they are not invisible, their stories deserve to be heard,” Congressman Takano continued. “By introducing this legislation, our friends and neighbors know that they are welcome here – by passing it, we will show our immigrant communities that we have the political courage to stand up for them. Thank you to my colleagues for working on this important issue, together we will ensure that Dreamers and TPS recipients are here to stay.” 

Additionally, this legislation would be significant for the Asian immigrant community. Although 1 in 7 Asian immigrants in the United States is undocumented, the Asian immigrant community is often not a part of the immigration discussion. Thousands of DACA recipients from South Korea, India, Pakistan, Philippines, and many other Asian communities would earn a pathway to citizenship under this legislation. 

A fact-sheet of the legislation is attached.


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Dayanara Ramirez (202) 225-2305