October 09, 2013

Rep. Takano Issues Statement on Shutdown Threatening Veterans Benefits

Washington DC – Earlier today, Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki gave testimony to the House Veterans Affairs Committee on the impact the government shutdown is having on the VA.
In his testimony, Secretary Shinseki said that on November 1, nearly 4 million veterans will not receive compensation payments, and pension payments would stop for nearly 315,000 veterans. He also testified that more than 200,000 surviving spouses and dependents would be affected.
After Secretary Shinseki’s testimony, Ranking Member of the Economic Opportunity Subcommittee Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) issued the following statement:
“Based on Secretary Shinseki’s testimony during today’s House Veterans Affairs Committee meeting, it is clear that the shutdown must end if we want to continue providing the benefits our veterans have earned. These heroes do not deserve to be used as political pawns by the House Republicans as they look to fulfill their obsession with defunding Obamacare and cutting entitlements. I thank the Secretary for his straight-forward testimony, and hope that Speaker Boehner is aware of the devastating impact this shutdown will have on our veterans if it continues. I urge him to end this fiasco and help restore certainty to our nations veterans who depend on these very benefits.”