June 14, 2024

Rep. Takano Opposes Extreme NDAA

WASHINGTON, D.C.Congressman Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statement after voting NO on the House’s partisan Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025

“It is unfortunate this Republican-led House has caved to extreme partisan measures and transformed the passage of the FY25 NDAA into a tactic bill filled with regressive policies for LGBTQ+ and women servicemembers. Amendments added to the original, bipartisan text do nothing but strip dignity away from our servicemembers. 

“Republicans have taken their crusade against LGBTQ+ and abortion-related healthcare to this process. I could not in good conscience vote for a bill that gets in the middle of decisions made between servicemembers and their doctors and further threatens military readiness by preventing those in uniform from being their authentic selves.   

“The NDAA has the potential to strengthen our national security both at home and abroad while aiming to diversify our military. Rather than directing rightful attention to the issues that matter, Republicans seized the opportunity to load the bill with culture war issues that do nothing to help our troops. Our servicemembers deserve better.”