October 17, 2013

Rep. Takano Statement on Bipartisan Agreement to End the Government Shutdown and Raise the Debt Ceiling

Washington DC – Rep. Mark Takano (D-Riverside) released the following statement after both houses of Congress passed a bipartisan agreement to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling:

“I’m pleased to see that Congress has passed legislation that will reopen the government and ensure that America will not default on its debts. This deadlock has done great damage to our nation and no one has suffered more than the American people, as the shutdown has cost taxpayers $4.8 billion and furloughed nearly 800,000 Americans. Shutting down the government or threatening America’s ability to pay its bills should never be used as a tactic for achieving a political end. Congress can no longer limp its way from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis and I hope that this agreement will usher in the return of regular order, a process that the Legislative Branch has operated under for decades.

I look forward to the appointment of budget conferees, and hope the negotiations produce a budget that will help the hardworking families in the 41st Congressional District and across the country.”