July 23, 2024

Rep. Takano Statement on Not Attending Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Joint Address to Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Congressman Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statement regarding his decision not to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress:

“For weeks I have wrestled with whether or not to attend Prime Minister Netanyahu’s joint address before Congress. In recent months, I’ve grown increasingly troubled by Mr. Netanyahu’s actions, which have sought to further his own political survival rather than securing the return of hostages and a much-needed ceasefire. As someone who cares deeply about Israel, I recognize that any path towards a permanent peace must begin with a bilateral ceasefire. Mr. Netanyahu has consistently demonstrated that he is an obstacle to the peace that both Israelis and Palestinians alike deserve.

“It is apparent Republican leadership have given this platform to the Prime Minister in order to sow division amongst Members of Congress during this precarious time. Rather than engage in political games, I plan to meet with Israeli citizens during the morning of the address to support families that have suffered in the wake of the October 7th attack. It is critical to elevate the stories of those who were directly affected by the initial attack and who have further suffered due to Netanyahu’s indifference to securing the return of hostages still held by Hamas.

“The Prime Minister has shown us time and time again his disinterest in achieving a peace that would bring safety and security to Israelis and Palestinians. He has prolonged the conflict that arose after Hamas’s unprovoked attack, has ignored the pleas of Israeli citizens to focus on bringing home the remaining hostages, and has rebuffed concerns from Israel’s allies about the growing humanitarian cost this war is placing on innocent Palestinians. For those reasons I will not be attending the joint address.”
