March 07, 2017

Rep. Takano Statement on the Republican Health Plan

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.) released the following statement regarding the American Health Care Act, the Republican replacement for the Affordable Care Act unveiled last night.

“Seniors, low-income families, sick Americans, and women – this is just a partial list of Americans who would suffer as a result of the Republican health care proposal. The American Health Care Act, unveiled by the GOP last night, would destabilize the U.S. health care system and dismantle the progress we’ve made toward ensuring that every American can get the care they need at a cost they can afford.

“I am particularly offended by the priorities expressed in this legislation. The Republican plan asks some of the most vulnerable communities to pay more while giving wealthy Americans a massive tax cut they don’t need. For example, under the GOP plan Medicaid expansion would be phased out, but the richest 400 families in the country would get a $28 billion tax cut. 

“Are there challenges to the current health care system that need to be addressed? Absolutely. But this Republican proposal fixes none of them and creates several more that will leave millions of Americans without the access to care they desperately need.”


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Josh Weisz, 202-225-2305