Takano Blasts Leaked Executive Order Illegally Dismantling the Department of Education
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Representative Mark Takano (CA-39), a former public school teacher and Senior Member of the House Education and Workforce Committee, released the following statement following public reports of an Executive Order directing Secretary McMahon to begin illegally dissolving the Department of Education:
“This is a blatant attack on public schools and students. If Secretary McMahon follows through on President Trump’s illegal Executive Order, she will go down in history as the person who single-handedly helped decimate public education. Americans will not forget or forgive this Administration for gutting public education just so they could fund a tax break for billionaires.
“This order will devastate many of our already-underfunded school systems, in effect resegregating students into haves and have nots. It will bring devastation and ruin for students across our nation. It will close off paths to prosperity for future generations and undermine our economy for decades to come.
“We have been ringing the alarm on this very possibility since the start of the Trump Administration. My colleagues and I were locked out of the Department of Education earlier this year when we asked for a meeting to discuss this exact situation. What we said then remains true today: only Congress can make these types of sweeping changes to Department. President Trump and Secretary McMahon cannot.
“I will fight tooth and nail against any illegal, lawless order that hurts American students.”
Last month, Rep. Takano led an oversight mission to the Department of Education, but was locked out of the building.