October 13, 2017

Rep. Takano Statement on Trump Administration’s Latest Attack on the ACA

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.) released the following statement after the Trump Administration confirmed it will cut off vital Cost-Sharing Reduction payments under the Affordable Care Act, which will spike premiums for American families and undermine access to health care across the country.  

“In this latest and most aggressive attack on the Affordable Care Act, President Donald Trump is once again prioritizing politics over the health and well-being of the American people. Ending the Cost-Sharing Reduction payments under Obamacare will do absolutely nothing to make health care more affordable for American families. Instead, it will raise monthly premiums and force more people in California and across the country to go without the care they need.

“President Trump’s determination to sabotage the Affordable Care Act reflects the same recklessness, incompetence, and cruelty that has defined his presidency. This act is indicative of the greatest flaw in this presidency: President Trump does not feel the weight of his responsibility to serve the American people.” 

Press Contact

Josh Weisz, 202-225-2305