June 07, 2013

LA Pride festival kicks off Friday in West Hollywood, 400,000 expected for Sunday parade

West Hollywood Mayor Abbe Land, hosting an LA Pride reception at the Mondrian Hotel on the Sunset Strip Wednesday (5 June), took to the microphone and uttered the line of the night: 'I want to thank you in advance for all the fun you will have and all the money you will spend.'

It is a weekend where hundreds of thousands of people descend upon West Hollywood for one of America’s largest LGBT celebrations.

'It's so exciting to feel the energy that started a week ago and goes through Sunday,' Land also said.

The three-day festival, presented by the organization Christopher Street West, officially kicks off with the Purple Party on Friday 7 June and will continue through Saturday and Sunday at West Hollywood Park.

NFL player Brendan Ayanbadejo, who is LA Pride's George Moscone Ally Award honoree for his outspoken support of marriage equality, will ride in the parade and give autographs and pose for photos inside the festival on Sunday at 3:30 pm next to the Main Stage.

Also in the parade will be Person Of The Year Award honoree US Congressman Mark Takano who is the first openly gay, non-white member of Congress and Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl, the first openly gay male member on the council and the highest-ranked openly gay official in Los Angeles.