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February 05, 2013

Roll Call: Messaging Blame Game on Budget Continues in House

This week's rhetoric over the budget - or lack thereof, yet - showcases a messaging war over the blame game between the two ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. First, Speaker John A. Boehner repeatedly tried to pin the automatic sequester cuts on President Barack Obama in a Monday floor speech. Now, Obama's Democratic allies in the House are trying to pin rampant deficits on Congress. The back-and-forth underscores that in the House this week, it's all about messaging, with Republicans bringing a … Continue Reading

February 05, 2013

The Hill: Tuesday: House Takes Up Bill Forcing Obama to Balance the Budget

The House meets at 10 a.m. for speeches, then at noon to start work on the Require a PLAN Act, H.R. 444. The bill calls on President Obama to submit a 2014 budget that balances in some future year. If Obama fails to do this, he would be required to submit a supplemental budget estimating when the budget will balance, and outlining the steps needed to get to that point. Members on Tuesday are expected to debate and approve the rule, and possibly debate the bill itself. But work on amendments is … Continue Reading

February 05, 2013

The Advocate: House Introduces Immigration Bill For Gay Partners

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, backed by dozens of House colleagues, introduced a bill to allow Americans to sponsor their same-sex partners for legal residency in the U.S. Because the federal government does not recognize the relationships of same-sex couples, due to the Defense of Marriage Act, Nadler's Uniting American Families Act would grant the same rights to gay couples that heterosexual married couples currently have. The bill comes as Congress debates an overhaul of the country's … Continue Reading

February 04, 2013

CrossSpeak: How Republicans Plan to Transform the President's Budget into the Paul Ryan Budget

Republicans in Congress still can't seem to realize that their Party did not win the Presidency in 2012. One example of this is HR 444 REQUIRE A PLAN Act that was discussed today in the House. Parenthetically the Act also adds the insulting attack remark erroneously directed towards the President, that it can also be called the "Require Presidential Leadership and No Deficit Act." My guess is that the Republicans see leadership as making strong cuts into social programs to hurt … Continue Reading

February 02, 2013

Samoa News: At the Inauguration with Amata

The 113th Congress, the most diverse in history, includes 11 Asian and three Pacific Islander Americans, all of whom belong to the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC). U.S. Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA), the chairman of CAPAC, spoke about the Caucus agenda, and her predecessor, U.S. Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA), who handpicked her to succeed him when she was only a freshman in the last Congress, told us that CAPAC over the next two years would be collaborating on issues with the Hispanic, … Continue Reading

January 22, 2013

La Prensa: WASHINGTON: Mark Takano Podría Integrar Tres Comités en el Congreso

WASHINGTON - El Congresista Mark Takano, quien representa el distrito electoral 41, que incluye las áreas de Riverside, Jurupa Valley, Moreno Valley y Perris ha sido designado para trabajar en los comités de veteranos, así como en la comisión de ciencia y tecnología. "Existe una posibilidad que pueda formar parte de otro comité y escogeré el de pequeños negocios, porque tenemos muchos comerciantes en el distrito que represento. Hay muchos latinos dueños de restaurantes, de empresas de … Continue Reading

January 22, 2013

Bee State News: State Adds to Congress' Diversity

WASHINGTON - The new Congress looks like a changing country, and California's delegation looks a lot like the change. The Golden State elected more newcomers to the House of Representatives in November than any time in decades, and their varied backgrounds reflect a Congress with a historic number of women, minorities and gays. There's Rep. Mark Takano, an openly gay Japanese American social studies teacher from Riverside. There's Rep. Raul Ruiz of Palm Desert, the son of … Continue Reading

January 22, 2013

The Press Enterprise: BYGONES BE BYGONES: Calvert, Takano Join up on Flying Cross Legislation

Congressmen Ken Calvert, R-Corona, and Mark Takano, D-Riverside, are joining together on House Resolution 330, which would designate the memorial at March Field Air Museum as the Distinguished Flying Cross National Memorial. The measure is among the first efforts from Calvert and Takano, who a mere 22 years ago were flinging mud in one of the most bitter campaigns in Riverside County history. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer have introduced an identical flying cross measure in the … Continue Reading

January 22, 2013

The Hill: Freshmen’s First Week

Freshman lawmakers survived their first few weeks in Congress with relatively few mishaps - though there were still instances of getting lost in the Capitol complex and enduring canceled flights.They've also picked up some tips on how to handle Capitol Hill: Walk outside (you don't get lost as much when you can see the dome); go to all your committee meetings; and learn everyone's name."It's a lot coming at you, a lot of different things," said freshman Rep. Joe Garcia (D-Fla.). "We're … Continue Reading

January 21, 2013

The Rafu Shimpo: Takano Supports Obama’s Gun-Control Proposals

WASHINGTON - Rep. Mark Takano (D-Riverside) on Jan. 16 threw his support behind the proposals presented by President Obama on addressing the level of gun violence in America. During the event, Obama signed 23 executive actions and asked for congressional action on reinstating the ban of military style weapons, eliminating armor-piercing bullets, limiting the capacity of ammunition magazines, increasing funding for police officers, mental health services, and more. Following the president's … Continue Reading

January 21, 2013

The Press Enterprise: OBAMA INAUGURATION: Inland Rsidents, Representatives React

Inland residents attending the inaugural ceremony for President Barack Obama's second term Monday, Jan. 21, joined nearly a million people to hear the president call for a renewal of optimism. Members of the Inland congressional delegation, meanwhile, spoke about the need for cooperation and to face challenges the nation faces. Among the Inland residents gathered in front of the U.S. Capitol were a 19-year-old Riverside college student and a mother and daughter from Corona. In his inaugural … Continue Reading

January 17, 2013

Our Weekly: President Puts Forth Proposal for Gun Law

President Obama on Wednesday formally proposed new gun-control policies and initiated 23 separate executive actions aimed at curbing gun violence. The Obama administration can implement about half of the proposals, but the rest will require congressional approval. Obama called on Congress to swiftly pass legislation to ban assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines for civilian use and to require universal background checks for all gun buyers. Obama's proposals include mental … Continue Reading

January 11, 2013

BVN: New Riverside Congressmember Mark Takano Sworn In

Riverside's newest congressmember, Mark Takano was sworn in to the 113th congress during a ceremony held in Washington, DC. Representative Mark Takno's family gathered to celebration Rep. Takano being sworn into Congress. Congressmember Takano states: "I had the great privilege of taking an oath to uphold the Constitution and be sworn in as a Member of the 113th Congress. My very presence in the peoples chamber confirms what I have always known about this great nation - that no matter who you … Continue Reading

January 10, 2013

RCR: Takano is Sworn into Congress

"Yesterday, I took part in the swearing in ceremony to become a Member of the 113th Congress. As I made my way through the ceremonies and took part in several votes, one of the things I noticed about Congress was the relationships members have with each other," Takano said. "While we may disagree about ways to grow our economy, improve our schools and pieces of legislation that should be considered, there is a great respect between all Members of Congress, no matter their party affiliation. In … Continue Reading

January 10, 2013

RCR: Appointed to Science, Space and Technology Committee

WASHINGTON DC - Rep. Mark Takano (D-Riverside) was appointed by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to the House Science, Space and Technology Committee. Following his appointment, Takano issued the following statement:"One of my top priorities the next two years will be to preserve, and possibly increase, funding for important research and development programs that are crucial to emerging industries," Takano said. "While our economy is steadily improving, it is still not where it needs to be … Continue Reading

January 10, 2013

RCR: Takano Calls for Gun Legislation On Anniversary of Tucson Shooting

WASHINGTON DC - Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) issued a statement on the second anniversary of the 2011 Tucson Shooting, which killed six and injured 14, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords:"We all remember where we were when we heard the tragic news of the events that took place on January 8, 2011 in Tucson, Arizona. That day, six Americans were taken from their families, and fourteen others were injured in a senseless act of violence during an event held by Congresswoman Gabrielle … Continue Reading

January 09, 2013

Bloomberg: Congress Likes As Much As Communists Getting No Better

In the final moments of the last session, House Republicans blocked a vote to provide Hurricane Sandy relief funds. A few days later, Republican leaders rushed a narrower flood insurance bill to the floor in the new session after Representative Peter King, a New York Republican, and others protested the decision by House Speaker John Boehner, an Ohio Republican, to cancel the vote on the broader measure. It was a sobering display of the government's inability to respond to basic needs, said … Continue Reading

January 09, 2013

The Press-Enterprise: Inland Reps Mark Tucson Shooting Anniversary

Two newly elected Inland representatives to Congress marked the second anniversary of the Tuscon, Ariz. mass shooting by calling for stricter gun control to prevent more killings. In an emailed statement, U.S. Rep. Mark Takano, D-Riverside, asked for thoughts and prayers to be directed to the families of the six killed and 14 wounded outside a Tuscon supermarket on Jan. 8, 2011, when then-Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was hosting an event for constituents. Jared Lee Loughner, who was later … Continue Reading

January 06, 2013

KPCC: Home for Some New Representatives Is a House Office Building In DC

One of the challenges facing California's 14 Congressional freshmen is where to live in D.C. Democrat Alan Lowenthal of Long Beach sent his wife out to look for housing. Mark Takano, a Democrat from Riverside, found an apartment within walking distance of the … Continue Reading

January 05, 2013

UK Progressive: LGBT Victories: “Breathtaking Leap Forward”

In the new 113th United States Congress, Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), will be the first elected openly gay senator in U.S. history. In the House of Representatives, Mark Pocan (D-WI), Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY), Mark Takano (D-CA) and Kyrsten Sinema, (D-AZ) will become the newest LGBT Americans in Congress. They will join Jared Polis (D-CO) and David Cicilline (D-RI), both of whom were … Continue Reading

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