January 15, 2014

Rep. Mark Takano Statement on Omnibus Appropriations Bill

Washington DC – Earlier today, Rep. Mark Takano voted in favor of H.R.3547, the Fiscal Year 2014 omnibus appropriations bill and released the following statement:
“For the past several years, Congress has unfortunately imposed many self-inflicted economic wounds, including implementing sequestration, failing to raise the debt limit, and shutting down the government. This deep dysfunction has slowed our recovery and cost us jobs.
“However, the bipartisan budget passed late last year helped return a sense of normalcy, with Republicans and Democrats negotiating in good faith to produce a bill that could pass both chambers, despite each side not receiving everything they wanted.
I’m pleased to see that that same approach was used for this omnibus bill. And while I don’t believe that it is perfect, it is critical for Congress to once again function properly, and more importantly, serve the American people. I’m especially pleased to see that this bill restores benefits for disabled veterans and the survivors of veterans.
“I thank Appropriations Chairman Rogers and Ranking Member Lowey, as well as the Appropriations Committee staff for their hard work.”