May 22, 2013
Rep. Takano Issues Statement on Exclusion of Bi-National Same-Sex Provisions from Immigration Reform
Washington DC – Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) issued the following statement after the exclusion of an amendment in the Senate Judiciary Committee that would have provided protections to bi-national same-sex couples:
“I’m incredibly disappointed that the Senate Judiciary Committee decided not to include provisions in the Immigration Reform bill that would have granted bi-national same-sex couples the same rights as everybody else.
“While this is a definite step backward, I am committed to working with both parties, from both houses, to ensure that comprehensive immigration reform is as inclusive as possible and is focused on bringing families together, instead of keeping them a part.
“As a co-sponsor of the Uniting American Families Act (H.R.519), I look forward to the debate on comprehensive immigration reform moving to the House and including this issue in the conversation.”