September 24, 2019

Rep. Takano: President Trump Must Be Impeached

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released this statement on the impeachment of President Trump. Rep. Takano had previously announced his support for Congress to formally launch impeachment proceedings against the president in August. 

“In August, I called on Congress to move forward with formal impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump. That call has become even more urgent following reports that the President attempted to pressure Ukraine’s leader into investigating an American political opponent by withholding U.S. military aid. The President and his Administration are acting further in contravention of the law by preventing the Director of National Intelligence from issuing a mandatory report to Congress on the whistleblower complaint made against the president – preventing Congress once again from fulfilling its Constitutional oversight role and investigating possible wrongdoing. Congress must see the whistleblower’s complaint first-hand. 

“The president’s actions represent an egregious abuse of power and they serve as a textbook definition of corruption with the intent to undermine our democratic process. Soliciting interference in our elections by a foreign power is unlawful and un-American. As I have said before, under our system of checks and balances, Congress has a duty to use the powers granted by our Founders to seek remedy and restore the people’s faith in our government. No person is above the law, and that includes the person who holds the highest office in the land. The path forward for Congress is clear; President Trump must be impeached.”

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Dayanara Ramirez (202) 225-2305