May 02, 2023

Rep. Takano Releases Report on the State of Air Quality in California’s 39th Congressional District

RIVERSIDE, CA – Today, Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released a report describing air quality conditions in California’s 39th Congressional District, the impact of poor air quality on Riverside families, and offering potential solutions to address this persistent issue. The report, The State of Air Quality in California’s 39th Congressional District, reveals that air quality in Riverside County continues to be some of the worst in the nation and places a significant burden on families every year.  

Some key findings in the report

  • Fine particulate matter and ozone concentrations in the region are substantially higher than they are nationally.  
  • Major sources of pollutants in the district include the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, wildfires, and warehouse development.  
  • Since 2005, over 100,000,000 square feet of warehouse space has been constructed in California’s 39th Congressional District. 
  • High levels of air pollution decrease student performance by up to 9 percent. 
  • Health problems caused by poor air quality costs Riverside families about $4,008 annually, which is 7 percent of the median household income. 


“Poor air quality has been a continuing problem in Southern California, but this report only further highlights the crisis caused by the rise of e-commerce. The paid development of warehouses in Southern California has fundamentally reshaped the Inland Empire. The cost of free shipping is being paid for by the families in my district and across the Inland Empire who’ve developed health problems from the poor air caused by these warehouses,” said Rep. Mark Takano. “There are no easy or simple solutions to this environmental injustice, but it’s time we prioritize the health and safety of people over the profits of these big e-commerce businesses.”

In response, the report includes several policy recommendations: 

  • Further examine the role of warehouse expansion in the Inland Empire’s current air quality situation. 
  • Direct more federal funding to the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to help them reach their zero-emission operation goals. 
  • Increase the R&D and implementation of cleaner energy sources for both consumer and industrial vehicles. 
  • Set federal standards for shipping operations to improve port efficiency and minimize ship emissions that make it inland.